
a girl who likes knitting, techno, lemurs, and reading. who whoulda thunk those things went together?

Friday, November 25, 2005

Bloated :(

I'm so bloated. I managed to gorge myself yesterday with alcohol and food. Then today, Adam decides to take me t P.F. Chang's where I, again, gorged myself. I'm fairly certain I won't be eating much for the next couple of days. Thanksgiving was good, and my Dad and I actually didn't fight for once. It was nice. I'm still waiting to hear about my car as well as my geol. grade. I've decided to see if I can drop the class if only a) I didn't do well on this last exam and b) my financial aid doesn't get fucked with. I'm not sure if my finaid will or not. If I drop the class, it puts me below fulltime (9 hours). I don't need the class anyway, and I really don't know why I didn't just drop it at the beginning of the semester. Probably because I just learned about it two weeks ago. I'm supposed to be relaxing this weekend, and it's just being stressful underneath everything that's been going decently.

I hope everyone had a good holiday. :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I got to school okay today by taking the bus. No problems, didn't have to find a parking spot, and I didn't have to deal with asshole drivers. :D

On one hand, I got my notes from my geology class from last Thursday. On the other, he didn't have my exam to give back to me, so I won't be receiving that until Tuesday of next week. I'm beginning to get frustrated. I don't now where I stand in that class, and I need to know. He didn't say anything bad about it, but he also didn't say anything good about it. All he said is that he was terribly busy today, and that he wouldn't have time for me to stop by and get it. I'm not sure whether or not to take that as he needs to talk to me about it, or that he wants to review the ones that I missed. I have no idea how I did, honestly. It's making me nervous.

Monday, November 21, 2005


I'm listening to Hawtin's set from DEMF from this year.

Could someone remind me to please take a punch to the face like a man next time?

This Week...

I've got a lot to do this week. I only have class tomorrow, so that's a plus.

I've decided to take the bus to school tomorrow. If Adam takes me, I'll get there at 7:45, and as I've said before, my classes don't start until 9:30. If I take the 8:20 from Ellenberger, I'll get there at around 9. I'm more content with not having to waste 2 hours than only wasting a half an hour. Though, hopefully someone from my geology class will get there early so I can copy notes.

So, here's what I gotta do:

Today: Finish synthesis article, read geology chapters, and start on sociology homework.

Tomorrow: School

Wednesday: turn in sociology homework, and I should probably begin my book report for my soc. class, as well.

Thursday: Turkey Day with Adam's mom and sister as well as my parents and uncle.

Friday: Work on book report, and hopefully get it finished.

Saturday: ??

Sunday: ??

Monday: ??

Somewhere in there, I need to start working on my package for my friend Ryan. He's in Iraq, and I promised him I'd make some baked goodies and burn him some music CDs.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

A finished handwarmer

Sorry if this seems jumbled, but Adam keeps snapping his fingers behind my head.

So, some of you wanted to know what the handwarmers that I was working on look like. Well, I've only finished one, and I think they look like crap, but I made some stupid mistakes along the way. Some can be fixed. Others cannot.

The entire handwarmer! w00t!

The ribbing.

Poorly done increase. I realized in order to do the ribbing, that I forgot to make the stitches divisible by 4 instead of just 2. :(

I'm bad at sewing things by hand. This can be fixed, though.

I think next time I'll try making these with a heavier weight yarn. I have some of the chunky worsted left from Adam's Mom's hat...


Adam and I walked down to the dog bakery to pick Madison up this food that they had suggested on my previous trip there. They gave us a totally awesome hook up. When I first visted, one of the gentlemen had given me a coupon to get printed out online. It was a buy one get one free deal, and Adam and I decided we would give that food a shot to try to calm Madison's itchies. Well, when we got there, they were sold completely out of their 5 lb. bags. They called the other store, and one of the guys offered to go pick us up a couple of bags since their other shop is in Wanamaker. I refuse to drive the van that far unless need be, and they understand that. No one answered at the other store, so they gave us the price off of a 15 lb. bag. Sweet!

On our way back, we found the little heathens outside of our building. They had found a 15 ft. pipe and were SHOVING IT THROUGH A HOLE IN THE FENCE. What kind of parents let their kids do this? We'll be informing our landlord about this. I'll be damned if our rent goes up because of damages caused by children that shouldn't even be over here. If I had the balls, I'd go give their mother a piece of my mind. I'm getting rather sick of this, and the only way to stop it, honestly, is if they move out. All their mother does is yell at them, but she never supervises them. *grumble*
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