
a girl who likes knitting, techno, lemurs, and reading. who whoulda thunk those things went together?

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Project Linus

So, instead of donating money to the Red Cross and other organizations taking money for Katrina victims, I'm going to knit baby blankets for Project Linus. I just contacted the Indianapolis chapter to find out what I could do. I've got two 1 lb. skeins of yarn. If Project Linus decides to take them, great. If they don't want them, I'm sure the Julian Center will take them.

I figured some of you may be interested or know anyone who would be interested in doing this.

what the...?

Apparently I'm a volunteer at the GABR Bash next Saturday. Doesn't volunteer mean you acknowledge giving up your time to help a service? I mean, the woman e-mailed me about it, but the e-mail got lost amongst school e-mails. I never responded. So, why on Earth would she put me as volunteering if I never communicated with her?

Friday, September 09, 2005

A little bitching. Maybe I'm going about things all wrong?in a

I made a similar post to the basset hound community on LJ after people were asking where to send their money to help rescue animals that were stuck in New Orleans. The only response that I got was a question asking who she needed to contact in regards to adopting a hound from the Looziana Basset Rescue. Apparently said person put no effort forth into reading my actual post. I guess what I'm saying is, that I thought that maybe making a post to the basset community, that maybe, just maybe someone would be willing to donate a couple of dollars to help out two rescue organizations in one. I guess I was wrong. Maybe I totally flubbered on making the post. Maybe people just don't really care and think that I'm out to get their money. I'm not. JustGiving works via credit card only. This is why I offered for some people that I speak to on a regular basis, or live in the Indianapolis area, that I would accept check or cash via mail or pick-up. I know times are tough with gas prices, the economy sucking, and people donating to help human victims of Katrina, so it's hard to get donations. However, when you specifically asking on ways to donate to a rescue organization to help animals wouldn't you take advantage of that?

I guess I'm a little hurt more than anything. Like Madison and I aren't cool enough for the LJ basset gang or whatever. I don't know. Like I said, maybe my approach in the post was all wrong?

All in all, I'll be happy once next weekend has passed, honestly.


I had my meeting with Dr. Barth today. After going over there at 9:30 am, he wasn't here. I really wasn't expecting him to be, but I was really planning on a nap this afternoon. Yes, I do schedule naps. :P I left him a message with the secretaries, and I decided to go ahead and e-mail him the same message when I returned home. I started baking a quiche and checked my e-mail. Dr. Barth said he would be in until 4:30 pm. I sent him an e-mail back explaining that I had just put my lunch in the oven, and I would be over at approximately 2 pm. He has this thing where he just kind of disappears, so I wanted to make sure he was going to be there.

I got to meet with him. I thought that he was the one who dished out the jobs. Apparently, I was wrong. He gave me the names of two professors that had immediate openings in their lab. One job is in the hydrology lab taking samples of water ponds in the area, and the other job is in the geochemistry lab. I just simply cannot escape chemistry no matter how I look at it.

I came home and e-mailed both professors inquiring about the jobs. At this point, I'm really not going to be picky, but the more I thought about it, the less I want to be gallavanting around asshole deep in snow obtaining water samples.

The geochem professor e-mailed me back and referred me to the lab director. I went ahead and sent her an e-mail telling her I was interested in working in the lab, but I needed to know the time schedule I would have to deal with. I really don't want to be stuck in a lab more than 20 hours a week at this point, and honestly, that's kind of pushing it. Nonetheless, I need a job so I can have some kind of spending money.

If/When I get one of these jobs, first paycheck goes to my car; the second goes to my tattoo.

Edit: I was looking at the biogeochem website. There are already two pieces of equipment I already know how to use. The only thing I worry about is them actually expecting me to remember one iota of chemistry from almost 10 years ago. I haven't had a chem. class since my sophomore year in high school. I learn fast, at least.

Huzzah Valley Pictures

Some of the pictures from our tirp with Codi-type commentary. I have a disposable camera I need to get developed still.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Just Lovely

I'm sure some of you from LJ know how I've bitched about the neighbor kids. Well, apparently the woman in the apartment next door has invited them over. WHAT THE HELL!! Of course, they run up here and start running around on our side of the porch. I have terra cotta pots everywhere. My porch is not a fucking playground. Period. I'm sorry at this time in my life, I don't have the patience to put up with children. Call me callous, I don't care. I've already spoken to the landlord about this matter. He won't rent to people who have children, and he thinks that children shouldn't be over here. I won't disagree with him about that.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

This is why I hate "tanning"

My face is sunburnt. My back is sunburnt. My chest is sunburnt.

Now, my forehead is peeling, my back itches to the point I can barely wear a bra, and I have the most god awful tanline on my forehead from wearing a bandana this weekend. I have about 1/4" of good half-irish pastey skin on my forehead. *grumble*

I'll try to upload the digital pictures this weekend. I've been pretty busy since I've been back. I've had a ton of homework I either had to have done for tomorrow and homework I just needed to catch up on. I'm really going to take the opportunity this weekend to sleep in and clean the apartment. Oh, and of course uploading and resizing pictures. I'm hoping Adam will get my stuff moved to subterror so I can get the gallery installed and not have to fuck with LJ image hosting. That is, unless any of you know of a totally awesome html image gallery program (aside from Adobe because I just cannot find it). :)

Hurricane Benefit Event @ Radio Radio this Friday

With little time Synthesis & friends are tossing together a benefit event that will give all proceeds to the Red Cross Hurricane Relief Fund!

There will be a mandatory $5 donation at the door to get into the event. We don't think that is to much to ask.

Also with this donation your name will be put into a drawing to win one of the many prizes that are so generously being donated to the cause. Each $5 donation you pay will get you another entry into the drawing.

ALSO we have a company local that is going to DOUBLE All the donations that come from this event!!

Prizes Donated By (so far) :
Hair Salons
Music Stores
more to come...

DJ Lineup
Dave Owen & Johnny Utah (DnB) 9pm-11pm
the freaky afronaut (House) 11pm-12:00am
Adam Jay (Techno) 12:00am-1:00am
:::::::Prize Drawing::::::
Seth & Mack (Progressive) 1:30am-3:30am

VJ Lineup
Benji (Anaphase Design)

1119 E. Prospect Street
Indianapolis, IN 46203

This is a 21+ event

website :


Inquiries - Want to Donate a Gift?

So, come hang out with us! :)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


It seems LJ is having issues with corresponding with the server to update my syn. feed there. BLAH!

And now your f-list is flooded with every post I've made on blogger. Sorry guys!

A change of pace

Well, I decided to syndicate this feed to LJ. I hope mostly to keep the friends that I had on there and gain new ones, as well.

In the not so distant future, I'm hoping to move my website to the subterror server. Most likely, I will be updating via FTP from my site, as well as hosting my images with a suitable gallery script since I most likely won't be renewing my LJ paid account. I'd like to, but at this time, funds are pretty tight.
syndicated feed test.

This weekend - Part 1

Adam and I left Saturday at around 11:30 am to go to Huzzah Valley to go camping and lazy rafting. We got all of our gear loaded up in my parents' spare van, and we headed out. Everything was fine and dandy. We made it to Terre Haute, IN at around 1:00 pm. We were on schedule for the most part. Once we crossed the Illinois border, all hell broke loose.

We got about 20 miles past the Indiana/Illinois border and the van started rumbling. Adam said the muffler had fallen off. Great. We got out of the van to assess the damage. I walked around to the front of the van, the engine was steaming, and I saw anti-freeze all over the grille of the car. Great. Just great. We drove for about 2 more miles and hit a rest stop. We had no idea what to do. We were in the middle of bumblefuck Illinois with litte cash on us.

I tried to call my parents thinking maybe they had some sort of solution. They had nothing. Adam went and told the attendant at the rest stop what was going on. We really had no idea where exactly we were in Illinois. All we knew is that our van was broken down, we had a crying dog in the back, and we were at least 2 hours from being in Indianapolis.

The attendant tried desperately to reach a garage that would be open on a holiday weekend. She called two, but no one answered. She called the third garage, and got an answer. We were told that he would come out with a radiator hose in a few minutes, and the mechanic would look at the muffler. We sat around for about 20 minutes wondering where the hell this guy was coming from. He called the rest stop back, and told the attendant to tell us that he would be sending out a tow truck. Great. More money to add onto whatever damage that needed to be fixed on the van.

About 10 minutes later, the tow truck showed up, loaded up our van, and we got inside. The guy took us to Marshall, IL. I remembered that place as a kid. My grandmother's neighbor would drive over the Illinois border to Marshall to get Illinois Power Ball Tickets.

We went into the rural portion of Marshall to this tiny garage, which is what I was hoping. I knew that if we were taken to some chain mechanic garage, that we would probably be stuck there over night and be paying an arm and a leg for the work.

About 5 hours later, our van was fixed. We hung out with some of the garage owners friends, and they took a fond liking to Madison. By that time, Adam and I were grumpy and ready to have already been to St. Louis, to say the very least.

The mechanic put anti-freeze and water into the radiator and let the car run for 30 minutes. Adam was trying to get an idea as to how much all of this was going to cost us. The mechanic told Adam that he'd let us know when he knew everything was working right. Great. I was starting to get the feeling we were going to be stuck in rural Marshall, IL over night sleeping in a broken down van and eating lunchmeat sandwiches for breakfast.

The mechanic, "Wild" Bill (that's what everyone called him), told Adam that it would cost us $203 for fixing the van. Awesome. I guess that's not as much as an arm and a leg. He took us to his "buddy's" garage to pay with a credit card. The garage was the towing service that towed us there. We thought he had included the price of the towing with what he told us. We were wrong. The tow was $75 + $8 surcharge for adding Wild Bill's bill to his. *Grumble* So, now we're up to around $280. At this point, we weren't really sure if we should turn back around and head home, or head out to Huzzah Valley.

We basically said fuck it and headed out to Huzzah Valley. We paid for this "vacation", and by god, we're going to get there. It was almost 6:30 pm at this point. We would have already been at the campsite making S'mores by then. We got to St. Louis at around 10:00 pm. We called a friend of ours that was headed out as well to find out our campsite number. We weren't aware at the time that he was actually in the process of moving to St. Louis, and then going camping. Wes and his wife said if we weren't west of St. Louis, that they would meet us in a suburb just outside of 270 which goes around the city. By then, Adam and I were ready to caravan anyway. We needed gas and I had forgotten all of the breads that we bought for the trip. We met Wes at around 10:30 pm at a gas station near Six Flags St. Louis.

We meet up and head out to Huzzah Valley. We got to Steelville, MO at around 11:45 pm on Saturday.

I'll post more about the trip when I get home from school. There's plenty more drama that happened after we arrived. Well, moreso when we left to head home yesterday.

Monday, September 05, 2005

GABR to send large portion of proceeds to the Looziana Basset Rescue

I made a post a couple of months ago about taken Madison to the GABR Waddle in Illinois on September 18th in Dwight, IL. I just received an e-mail telling all of us taking donations that a large portion of the money raised for GABR will be sent to the Looziana Basset Rescue to help the bassets in Louisiana and Mississippi as well.

Please help us raise more money to send to the Katrina (Basset) victims! We're not asking for large donations, just whatever you can spare! This will help cover food, housing, and transporation for these hounds.

The e-mail:

We're only about $1,800 short of our $17,500 intermediate goal. Terrific! For those of you that have had contributions this week, that's very special as it's obviously been a difficult week for all of us.

I want to give you all another important update. There is a Basset rescue headquartered in Louisiana, Looziana Basset Rescue, that also covers Mississippi. After 4 days of emailing, I got in touch with Leslie Wallace, their president. After a phone call with her, I was left with no doubt that she intended to continue the rescue effort in Louisiana - she's just not sure when that will be. As chairman of GABR, I made a commitment to her that GABR would provide support for anything needed, including food, transportation, and funds.

You can tell your donors that a major gift will be made to Looziana Basset Rescue from funds raised at The Waddle and through Justgiving. It's for Bassets and we're going to help.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Larry Little, Chairman
Guardian Angel Basset Rescue, Inc.