
a girl who likes knitting, techno, lemurs, and reading. who whoulda thunk those things went together?

Friday, August 26, 2005

Basset Waddle in a few weeks - We need donations!!

As you know, Adam and I will be taking Madison to Dwight, IL the weekend of Sept. 17 & 18 to participate in the GABR Basset Waddle. We have set a goal of reaching $200 by the weekend of the Waddle. We are about $125 short of reaching our goal. We have taken several small donations in person, but we are looking for people online to donate, as well. We don't care if you only donate a dollar or two. We would really love to reach this goal. We all know things are tight right now with everyone, but giving just a dollar will help us out.

Madison was adopted from GABR just days before Christmas of 2004. Fortunately, she was a surrender dog from a woman who had been accepted into medical school. Madison is one of the few fortunate ones who did not come from an abusive home, dropped off at a shelter, or dumped on the streets. Many of the bassets from GABR come from these backgrounds and not relinquished from happy homes!

GABR puts on the basset waddle every year to raise donations for other homeless bassets in their care or bassets that will be with them in the future. The money goes toward veterinary care, food, and other expenses to cover the cost of fostering rescue animals. Foster homes provide transit homes for bassets until they have reached their adopted status and moved to their permanent family. These people help take care of these dogs out of the goodness of their hearts. Here is the particular instance why GABR started doing the waddles in the first place. Please read Faith's story!

Rescue organizations are not a joke. The waddle is designed just like any other walking-fund raiser event would be (e.g. Walk for Breast Cancer, AIDS Walk & Ride, etc.), it just has a cute name. I take this very seriously as anyone else would for any other fund raiser. GABR is a non-profit organization and solely relies on donations to keep it functioning. Many of the bassets acquired from GABR are taken from kill shelters from various shelters throughout Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri.

Please try to help us reach our goal! If you do not have any sort of bank account or credit card, and would like to donate, we can arrange another method of payment (e.g. check, money order, or cash) by mail or pick-up if you reside in Indianapolis or surrounding suburbs.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

so tired

i start classes on thursday. i'm excited, and i'm upset. i was pretty content on doing things at home for a little while longer. i just started painting the bathroom. it's looking great so far. i still need to get some paintable wallpaper and grey paint. i should have taken pictures before i started, but you really don't need to see just how scary my bathroom is. there's a lot of rust from the steam heat pipes, plaster falling off the walls, the walls are piss yellow, and the sink cabinet is just fugly. i've decided to paint the top part of the walls antique white, along with the trim. the bottom part will be a medium-dark grey. i'm trying to make it look as sterile as possible. it'll be a big leap from it's current condition. in all actuality, just after painting the sink cabinet white made it look much better.

i inquired about a work-study job in the geology department. i'm supposed to e-mail or stop by in the next two days. adam lost his weekly at coaches tavern very unexpectedly last night. that's $200 less a week that we're getting. we're both pretty upset about it since that money was going toward fixing the engine in his car. i suppose it'll take just a little longer. i'm hoping there's some kind of opening for me in the geology department. hell, i'll even wash glassware for minimum wage. it sounds like i'm being desperate, but i'm really not. i need something to buy my time since adam will be working on a dvd for ableton live. this means i won't see him much in the next couple of months. so, i figure why not get a job on campus in the geology department.

my fingers are crossed.

Monday, August 22, 2005


is your dialing finger broken?

word verification

since i've returned to using blogger, there are tons new features that i am unaware of. in a previous post, a spammer commented with the "new" cedar tree technology that they can harvest faster. hell, i could be wrong. i barely read the damn thing since i don't believe in cutting down unecessary trees for building. use what's already there people!

regardless, word verification for posting is now enabled. all you have to do is type in the visible code. just pretend like you're typing in a new password when you're commenting. we'll see how this goes. :)